My collaborator, the genius goddess Samantha Madely, and I are thrilled to announce the launch of a project we’ve been working on for just over a year now. Dog Lady is a show about women looking for connection, purpose, love and money in our modern world. Last week we shot a short trailer and we couldn’t have done it without the incredible help of our Director/DOP Kieran Crilly and a team of kick ass professionals who volunteered their time and mad skills despite our shoot taking place in the DOG PARK, in CANADA, in the WINTER! We lucked out weather wise and it was a moderately cold day, the snow storms had subsided and we got the benefit of all those powdery flakes that had fallen for days in a picturesque setting to begin to tell our story.

The Independant Production Fund requires the application trailer be under two minutes and it must be posted March 1st. Each application has one month to gain as many views as possible in order to earn its way to round 2. This means we need your help once this trailer is published to like and watch and repost and share and help us get as many eyeballs on our little dog park scene as possible.

This project is very near and dear to my heart. Working with Sam has been a dream from the start and I’m thrilled to share it with you soon! Hope you enjoy!
