The Handmaid's Tale

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Like many Canadians I read Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel in high school. I also produced a major project on the book for my grade 12 Can Lit class and I still have some sketches I did of Nick and Offred to compliment my written work. The Emmy Award winning TV show is an artistic triumph that demonstrates what’s possible when incredible cinematic artists are supported by superb resources to express their deft creative vision.

When I got the call I had been cast in a recurring role in season three my whole body was buzzing. Already a huge fan of the show I was thrilled to know I’d have scenes with some of the finest actors on television. In these difficult and frustrating political times it’s often hard to know how to contribute as an artist in meaningful ways to a progressive mindset that honours the rights of each individual. Playing a role in this highly evocative and disturbing examination of the brutality of patriarchy means so much more to me than simply another credit on my resume. It is an honour to be a part of this production and it was such a pleasure to work with everyone involved.

Special thanks to dialect coach Rea Nolan who is a phenomenal coach and lovely human.

Major thanks as well to Robin D. Cook for seeing me in this role.

Huge thanks to the producers of The Handmaid’s Tale for making this magnificent piece of art and inviting me to inhabit the role of Lena.

The Handmaid’s Tale streams on Crave in Canada and Hulu in the US.